Introducing ROFI - Convert Typed Text Into Handwriting ✨️

Introducing ROFI - Convert Typed Text Into Handwriting ✨️

Hate writing assignments? Here we are up with ROFI to make your work easier.

Hey peeps 👋

What's up ? hope y'all doin great . I am Rozen, a Frontend Developer. I strive to create simple, original and impactful User Experiences.

The wait is over 🎉, I'm super excited to introduce my latest project, ROFI. ROFI is my submission for Netlify Hackathon on Hashnode. Yeah, After a lot of hard work, ROFI is finally alive. Can't wait to show you the features ✨️

Introducing ROFI 📝

Problems 😰

The problem of many including me. As a high school student, who likes to write a written letter or submit a written assignment🥲? trust me, it really sucks😰.

Solution 💭


So here I am up with ROFI to make your work easier. ROFI basically makes your work easier by converting you text to handwriting and you can download it for free 🤩 . You can also convert speech to word and then convert it into your handwriting👀.

Landing Page

Untitled (5).png

🤯 Features

Font Convertor 🔁

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  • Choose from 34 fonts that looks handwritten.
  • Adjust font size to choose number of words in a line .
  • Adjust font weight to change boldness of the text .
  • Letter spacing and word spacing helps arrange words more closely.


  • Change font color and paper page color to get paper like appearance.
  • Adjusting line height is important when page lines are enabled.
  • Page lines provide lines in the paper.
  • Scan effect provides a shadow to the page.
  • Page margin gives a margin to the page .

Extract text from image 🖼️

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Too lazy to type in the text?😴 Well, we have it covered for you. Now you can upload an image and extract the text from it.

Voice to text🎙️

Untitled (6).png Introducing voice typing!!😀 Now you just have to speak and we will convert it into text for you!

Awesome Tech I am using 💥:

Frontend Framework🔥 : React.js
Styling💅 : Css
Icons📝: Material UI and React-Icons
Speech to Text 🎙️: React-speech-recognition

Deployment 🍾 : Netlify

ROFI Demo 📽️:

Why should you use Netlify in your App??🤔

Few months ago, I wanted a quick, fast and easy way to showcase a small project I worked on using Javascript and shared hosting seemed like too much stress for me (I mean, I am still trying to understand a lot). Few random Google search later, I found Netlify and I have never looked back ever since. Currently I have a few portfolio projects hosted on netlify and even my personal website is hosted on Netlify. Great stuff!


I am delighted to help you all in some way😀. I hope you find my article interesting and enjoyed my website. I will keep working on it and improving it. Finally thanking @Hashnode and Netlify for hosting this amazing hackathon :)

Signing off 👋

~ Rozen💕